Ron Paul/Bob Barr Poll results

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'll post Part 2 of my Assault Weapons Ban article in a few days. In the meantime...

My recent poll results: 6 for libertarians are crazy, 5 for Ron Paul, 0 for Bob Barr. My questions:

1. Why no love for Bob Barr?
2. The fact that Ron Paul was competitive with crazy is encouraging to me. The traditional media have usually tried to marginalize libertarians. Is this one reason the traditional media are struggling?

And speaking of the media: Please, Weather Channel and National Hurricane Center, focus the Ike coverage by the likely landfall area a little more. You're scaring the hell out of my relatives.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky....I have a Bob Barr bumper sticker for you, if you want one. Drop me a note at
