The Beer Post #1

Saturday, September 6, 2008

There may be more beer posts in the future.  Tonight we dined at the sublime Icehouse.  Aside from having great, cheap food, the restrooms were exceptionally clean. (Do I get a link now, Cowen?)  Clean restrooms are almost more important to me than great food.

We like going to Hurricanes bar on Boca Chica because between the early '90s grunge music and Crown Royal banners, it is like a little taste of home.  Not a lot of gringos there, but it's sort of like being back in Milwaukee in '96 during my law school years.  Now we just need a cheap gyros place nearby.  I must say that the Baila Con Bud Light dancers there are quite entertaining.  McHale, you should check it out, quite a few babes there.  You could get some good pix.

I tried to do some Dance Revolution thing with one of the Bud Light dancers, but the result was quite pathetic.  See bad picture above.  I wanted to do a post asking about the 3 puzzles in our Lone Star beer bottlecaps that we could not decipher (trust me, they were hard), but apparently my new fancypants Blackberry phone is not up to this photographic task.  So this lame picture of me is all you get.  

End beer post #1.



BobbyWC said...

I have been wanting to go, but I cannot be around smoke - have they gone non-smoking?

Bobby WC

Becky Syck said...

No, they still allow it, but I'm pretty sensitive to smoke, and I didn't notice any on this particular night.

Mas Triste said...

Beer posts = comments deleted by author

Becky Syck said...

None deleted so far.

Anonymous said...

I went one night about 3 months ago, and being an exsmoker myself, I noticed that I somehow got the urge to buy some which lasted a couple of days. Fortunately I never did. But you gotta watch them places that do allow smoking.