Any input from the 3 libertarians in Brownsville?

Monday, September 1, 2008">

I'm just going to come right out and say I've voted Libertarian since my first election.  I was all set to vote for Ron Paul this time around, when the LP reminded me that Paul's technically a Republican by nominating Bob Barr.  I'm not in total agreement with Ron Paul on every issue, but I know him, I like him, and I'm a little too lazy to get to know this Bob Barr character this late in the game.

Do any liberty-minded bloggers have opinions on either one?  One of these two will be my choice. I've never bought or understood the "wasted vote" argument.  I'm not fond of either McCain's or Obama's policies, but McCain's campaign is looking sleazier and more insincere with each passing day.  I'll be happy enough as long as McCain stays out of the White House.

So for whom are libertarians in the Rio Grande Valley voting?



Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Valley Blogosphere. Maybe you're in a position to tell us how libertarians avoid being anarchists.

Or not. In any case, welcome.

Becky Syck said...

You say that like anarchy's a bad thing.

I'm kidding. It's never easy to draw that line.

Thanks for your comment.


Anonymous said...

I think libertarians use the pitchfork to prod the government's ass out of their lives. Anarchists aim for the heart.

You seem civil enough.

Patricia A.

Minmex said...

There is only one true candidate for president.
Dwayne Elizando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

Anonymous said...

As one of the 3 Libertarians in Brownsville, I'd like to welcome you, too. Believe it or not, we have a county chairman, Fred Drew, and a vice-chairman, myself (Ben Neece)and another delegate, my son, Adam Neece. I don't know, if those are the three, but we are definitely looking for more members for the party and are going to have a rally in the near future. You are not wasting your vote. I would go for Barr, and am going to. I actually ran as a democrat twice, but have now converted. We (my son and I) attended the Libertarian National Convention in Denver this year in May and loved it. Gotta love those anarchists, just kidding. It was a real experience and baptism into the party. I'd be glad to speak to you about it anytime. My law office number is 544-4321. Call when you get a chance. Long Live Liberty.

Becky Syck said...

Thank you, Judge Neece. I'll definitely be in contact with you soon. I'd be interested in volunteering for the LP.


StapletonAndStapleton said...

Where do socialistic anarcho-syndicalists fit in?

Anonymous said...

The thing is, socialistic anarcho-syndicalists don't fit in. Out by a century and unable to effectively deal with the warrior that Robert Fry used to spend trying to wake up.

Becky Syck said...

I had to google "socialistic anarcho-syndicalist," and that's not easy after 4 beers and a red wine. I do not object to any voluntary labor organizations, but I do object to excessive regulation requiring employers to deal with those organizations.

Anonymous said...

Actually Becky we have at least 70 verified members in Cameron County that have actually declared themselves to the National, State or County parties and contributed at least $25.
Unfortunately, not many actually show up at meetings. Like a lot of other organizations.
we would be glad to welcome you.