First post and some tech

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hello world, this is my new blog about life in Brownsville for a native Northerner.

It's been 4 years since my family and I moved to the Rio Grande Valley, and I still don't speak Spanish, so as you can see I have not done a great job with assimilating into Mexican culture. We do eat a lot of tacos, though.

My son recently celebrated his ninth birthday, and we decided to buy him a laptop to replace the old, broken Gateway he'd been using. This 2goPC mini laptop has been permanently attached to him for the past week.

(Obviously pictured with boring full-size laptop for comparison purposes.)

The little handle is a nice touch, given that he insists on bringing it everywhere we go to get wi-fi. It runs on the educational version of Linux and, as far as I can tell, has everything he needs in a PC for quite some time. I kind of covet one of these things. Packing up a regular laptop for travel is a pain. My husband thinks it would get me laughed out of court, but I disagree.

I linked to my favorite blogs without asking anyone. If this is a breach of blogging etiquette, please let me know.


Truth Seeker said...

Welcome, Becky.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Brownsville blog-o-sphere!

Patricia A.

The Merovingian said...


Well, sorry! kind of got carried away there for a minute.

(The quy with a quirky sense of humor)


Anonymous said...

Welcome, and best to you!

BobbyWC said...

I hope you can bring a new perspective to local politics and life - the more perspectives the better for promoting critical thinking

Bobby WC

StapletonAndStapleton said...

Just found you, but glad you're here.